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Clan Operational Commands

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Clan Operational Commands is the Clan bureaucracy. All Operational Commanders are assigned by the Khans. Testing for these positions is not mandatory; this allows the Khan to assign people who may not be the best warriors, but have other useful skills, to the positions where they can best serve the clan. For example, a Star Colonel who is not a great warrior, but rather a superb organizer, could be in charge of J-6.

Just a line, folks!

Summary of Operational Commands

 Clan Ops Diagram


Here is a summary of the Commands:

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Composed of all the BloodNamed warriors within the Clan. Jointly, they are the ultimate authority of the entire Clan. Period. The Clan Council has jurisdiction over all Commands, and the power to overrule them.

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The Khan and the saKhan. They are the supreme commanders the entire Clan Touman, from Galaxy Commanders on down, including Ground (BattleMech and Elemental), Naval (all Warships and DropShips involved in combat operations), and Aerospace.

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Plans out all Clan military operations, coordinating with the other commands. J-2 is commanded by a Galaxy Commander or Star Colonel, as needed. That is, in times of war, a Galaxy Commander takes over Planning Command from the Star Colonel who commands during peacetime.

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Comprises all Clan intelligence and counter-intelligence operations. J-3 is commanded by a Star Colonel.

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Commanded by a Star Commodore; in charge of all JumpShips, and all Warships and DropShips not involved in combat operations.

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Commanded by a Star Colonel and all necessary support staff. In charge of assault dropships, arranges for aerial strafing and warship bombardment.

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Commanded by a Star Colonel. J-6 is in charge of all military supplies, and arranging for their transport. It also controls the construction of new military equipment. J-6 is also in charge of all Clan bondsmen not assigned to a particular member or unit of the Clan. For example, Phelan Patrick Kell would not have been under the Quartermaster Command, as he worked specifically for Khan Ulric.

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Commanded by a Star Colonel. They are in charge of all security arrangements for Clan personnel and equipment. J-9 was formerly called the Military Police before the Exodus.

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Led by the Master Merchant of the Merchant Caste. They are in charge of all non-military supplies, and arranging their transport through Transportation Command (J-4).

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Led by the Master Scientist and his staff. They are in charge of all Clan science efforts, including the creation of new sibkos.

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Composed of the leaders of all Bloodname Houses in the Clan. They control all breeding and DNA combining within the Clan.

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Led by the Command Technician and staff. Arranges for all technical support. Includes all technicians and engineers.

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Just a line, folks!


Commanded by the Clan Loremaster. He is in charge of all social aspects of Clan life, from Clan history, to recreation, to spiritual guidance.

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