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Adrian Spoint

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Clan Wolf

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Personnel Files

Adrian Spoint

Bloodline: Spoint
Rank: Nova Captian
Current Assignment: Supernova Second, 16th Battle, Cluster, Gamma Galaxy
Currently Pilots: Timber Wolf
Sibko: Europa Generation-X 3027

[A note to the curious: no, that is not me in the picture above. I have no idea where Joel found it, but that guy could be a spitting image of me some years in the future. His glasses are all but identical to mine, and he even combs his hair the same way!]

Physical Description

Caucasian male, Straight black hair, 6’1", 220 lbs, gray eyes, Born: October 2, 3027

Past Assignments

10/2/47 Tested as Star Commander
10/5/47 Given command of Bravo 2nd Nova, 16th Battle Cluster, Gamma Galaxy
7/27/48 Promoted to Nova Commander
2/28/51 Tested for Nova Captain
3/5/51 Given command of Supernova 2nd, 16th Battle Cluster, Gamma Galaxy


7/4/47 Graduated 2nd in Class, Europa Advanced Strategic Planning Course
11/9/50 Assigned to Junior Officers’ Tactical Planning Command
5/24/51 Aegis Award for Innovative Tactics
8/14/52 Earned Spoint Bloodname


The Europa Advanced Strategic Planning Course is a prestigious course for warriors Clan-wide who have been selected for expansive development of their innate strategic instincts. Only 5 warriors are selected each year for the intensive 8 month long program; simply being selected is an honor, graduating 2nd is even more so.

Star Colonel Cameron Kederk
Commander, Europa Advanced Course Programs


Remainder of document is classified Secret, level Alpha-3, as per Clan Wolf directive 2846.009 Gamma.

The character described above is obviously a fictional character. However, the picture is of a real actor, actress, or model. I do not to intend to imply that this person is the character; rather, the picture is intended to give the reader an impression of the character's appearance. No defamation, slight of character, or intentional offense is implied.


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