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Brigadier Ryan C. Casio


Started in 1986 in Germany, as a lance, and has since seen many more countries and dozens of MechWarriors from around the globe.  It now ranks in the class of the Wolf Dragoons, as it fields three full BattleMech Regiments, a full infantry regiment, a full armor Brigade, as well as a service & support Regiment.  As well it houses a full Aerospace Regiment.  (All this is fielded in Lead/Rallidium Miniatures.)  The unit has fought all the major Houses as well as served them.  The Crusaders have see much action against the Clans.  It is quite the thing to see the entire unit fielded on the battlefield (this has happened only twice in it's long history).  And both times it was to face the mighty fury of the Clans.


DALE R. Brunner


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