Each Clan is ruled by a council composed of its Bloodnamed warriors. The Clan
Council elects two ruling Khans. One Khan serves as the Clan's senior military
commander and the executor of that Clan's bureaucracy. The other Khan's position
is more nebulous. He or she is second-in-command and enjoys a high status within
the Clan, but the position does not include specific duties. These must be
assigned by the "senior" Khan. Clan Councils control their warriors
and the members of all other castes belonging to that Clan. The interaction
between a Clan Council and the various caste governments is extremely
convoluted, but when necessary, the Clan Council can invoke the satarra, an
overriding veto.
The Khans of all the Clans form the Grand Council, which passes judgment on
matters affecting Clan society as a whole. Nicholas Kerensky erected the Hall of
Khans on Strana Mechty for this important governing body. His father's tomb
dominates a small chapel on one side of the Hall. Nearby are smaller, though no
less impressive, halls for each Clan.
The supreme ruler of the Clans is the ilKhan. This position is filled only
when the Clans must coordinate their efforts for some task, or during times of
great internal or external threat. A simple majority vote in the Grand Council
can elect an ilKhan. However, those who oppose the election can and usually do
demand a Trial of Refusal. Nicholas Kerensky
appointed himself the first ilKhan of the Clans in the summer of 2815. He was
One of the most far-reaching measures Nicholas instituted was the elimination
of surnames. Surnames were too closely associated with the corruption of the
Inner Sphere. Kerensky allowed only the loyal 800 to retain their surnames.
These 800 family names are the basis for the Bloodnames. In fact, it is
considered a deliberate affront to society to give a child two names or to adopt
a second personal name, unless it is an earned Bloodname. The second name can
only be interpreted as an intentional slur on the honor and dignity of
Bloodnames. |