Rank and Explanation
Inactive / Disabled
N-1 |
MechWarrior / Pilot / Elemental (M- / P- / E-)
Commands an individual battle machine
Primary Warrior's Extension: -1
Secondary Warrior's Extension: -2
E-1 |
Elemental Point Commander
Commands 4 other Elementals
S-0 |
Aerospace Point Commander
Commands 1 other pilot
S-0 |
Star Commander
Commands 4 other Mechs
Elemental Star Commander
Commands 24 other Elementals (His Point and 4 others)
Aerospace Star Commander
Commands 9 other pilots (His Point and 4 other points)
S-1 |
Nova Commander
Commands one star of Mechs and one star of Elementals (a Nova)
S-1a |
Star Captain
Commands 2 or 3 stars.
S-2 |
Nova Captain
Commands 2 or 3 Novas, possibly one of mixed Mech, Elemental and
/ or Aerospace.
S-2a |
Star Colonel
Commands a Cluster (usually a total of 15 Stars of all branches).
S-3 |
Galaxy Commander
Commands 3-5 clusters
S-4 |
Subcommander of all Clan military forces.
S-5s |
Supreme commander of all Clan military forces.
S-5K |