Clan Databases |
All Clan members directly involved in combat are classified according to
their level of service, as follows. These include MechWarriors, Aerospace
pilots, and Elementals.
[The distinction between Level A and Level B personnel is subtle and
often difficult to make. Usually, you should consider whether that person’s
role is most often in the field, or in the "office." For practical
purposes, any warriors in the Wolf Clan sourcebook assigned to a Star are Level
A, while any mentioned in headers only are Level B. For example, Star Colonel
Carmin Winson (7th Battle Cluster) is Level B: he is listed only as
the Cluster’s commander, not as a part of Alpha Command Star. By contrast,
Star Colonel Dwilt Radick (16th Battle Cluster) is Level A, since he
is part of Alpha Command Nova.]
Level A:
These are the warriors assigned to active combat duty.
Level B:
These are the warriors who are not on active combat duty, but support the
war effort as organizers, support staff, House leaders, Clan leaders, etc.; or
hold ceremonial positions. Technically, the Khans and the Loremaster are Level
B personnel, since their role is more organizational than active combat.
Galaxy Commanders are usually Level A, but senior Galaxy Commanders sometimes
function as Level B personnel.
Members of the Watch and other intelligence operations, or undercover
agents, are defined as Level B, but for obvious reasons, they may be listed as
Level A or Level C in the rosters.
Operational Commands J-1, J-2, J-3, J-5, J-6, and J-9 are Level B
Level C:
All Naval personnel (excluding Aerospace pilots) are classified as Level C.
Level D:
These includes inactive warriors, including but not limited to the
following: injured, disabled, and retired warriors, and cadets still in