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Ulric Kerensky

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Clan Wolf

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Personnel Files

Ulric Kerensky

Bloodline: Kerensky
Rank: ilKhan
Current Assignment: Trinary Clan Command
Currently Pilots: Gargoyle
Sibko: Strana Mechty 2989

Physical Description

Tan skin, 6’1, 200 lbs, White hair, Blue eyes, Born 4 July, 2989

Past Assignments

7/4/3009 Tested out as Star Commander
7/6/09 Assigned to Bravo Assault Star, Trinary Assault, 352nd Assault Cluster, Beta Galaxy
8/24/10 Assigned to Bravo Command Star, Trinary Command, 352nd Assault Cluster
9/12/12 Tested for Star Captain
9/12/12 Assigned to command of Trinary Assault, 352nd Assault Cluster
4/18/14 Transferred to Trinary Second, 279th Battle Cluster, Alpha Galaxy, at same rank
6/2/18 Transferred to command of Trinary Clan Command, at rank of Star Captain
10/20/22 Tested for Star Colonel
10/20/22 Assigned to command of 279th Battle Cluster, Alpha Galaxy
11/10/28 Tested for Galaxy Commander
11/11/28 Given command of Gamma Galaxy
11/15/28 Elected saKhan, Clan Wolf
5/30/40 Elected Khan, Clan Wolf
6/1/40 Takes command of Alpha Galaxy
6/19/51 Elected IlKhan


7/4/3019 Earned Kerensky Bloodname
1/13/20 Earned honor of the Wolf Rite; Earned title of KinWolf
3/9/32 Kerensky Medal of Honor, for valor in combat against Clan Jade Falcon
8/16/33 Kerensky Medal of Honor, for valor in combat against Clan Ghost Bears
7/16/40 Kerensky Medal of Honor, for valor in combat against Clan Nova Cat
6/19/51 Elected IlKhan


Remainder of document is classified Secret, level Gamma, as per Clan Wolf directive 2846.008 Gamma.

The character described above is obviously a fictional character. However, the picture is of a real actor, actress, or model. I do not to intend to imply that this person is the character; rather, the picture is intended to give the reader an impression of the character's appearance. No defamation, slight of character, or intentional offense is implied.


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