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Classified Secret Level Alpha-2
From: Galaxy Commander Mikel Furey
To: Star Captains and above, Gamma Galaxy
Date: 25 April, 3052
Re: Tukayyid

Drop Information:

Drop Date: 5 May, 3052
Drop Time
: 0830 Lima
Drop Site: Map 27 Tukayyid

Enemy Disposition:

9th Com Guard Army; commander Precentor Pi VIII Sonic Owens

10th Com Guard Army; commander Precentor Epsilon XI Cynthia Byrd

12th Com Guard Army; commander Precentor Epsilon VI Allian Higham

The 10th and 12th Com Guard Armies are said to be the overall best of the 12 armies. The 403rd and 278th Divisions of the 12th Army are reported to be among the finest units in the Com Guards. They are to be considered elite, battle tested and experienced, and knowledgeable in Clan tactics. They, along with the rest of the Com Guards, are expected to use mass attacks against Clan units, as they solidly out number us (see additional information below for relevant orders).

Weather Report:

On Drop Date:

Temperature: 20ºC
Wind: 5-10 kph out of the South
Visibility: >3 km
Clouds: Spotty Clouds at 3200 meters

Extended Forecast:

Temperature: 18ºC to 21ºC during day
10ºC to 12ºC at night
Wind: expected 5-10 kph during day
Virtually still at night
Visibility: should be at least 1 km during day
Clouds: Expected possible rain showers next week

Additional Information and Orders:

Expected drop approximately 50 km north of enemy lines. All Trinary/Supernova commanders to transmit confirmation of completed drop on tactical channel 46. All units to form secure perimeter upon drop. Star Colonels to regulate their units. All units will have supplies landing as soon as possible, with units from Epsilon Galaxy to form initial garrison for supplies.

All commanders are warned to be prepared for combat upon dropping. All units are to treat the drop as though it were dropping into an immediate combat situation. Whether the drop will actually contested or not does not matter. The possibility remains, and therefore all units shall be ready for it. All units will remain in the highest state of readiness until told otherwise, code Gandalf-Alpha-3. Expect to start march towards Com Guard lines by 1600 lima.

Specific regulations pertaining to Tukayyid, as per the orders of Khan Natasha Kerensky and Khan Garth Radick:

  • All units are to march in battle formations, not traveling lines. Repeat: all units to travel at all times in battle formation.
  • Zellbrigen is suspended and standing battle orders for the duration of the conquest of Tukayyid are set at Honor Level 4.
  • Bidding for conquest rights are suspended until the completion of the battle for Tukayyid, unless expressly permitted by the Khans; all battle assignments will be designated by the Khans, J-1, and Galaxy Commanders.
  • Trials of Refusal and Trials of Grievance are suspended until after the conquest is complete, unless otherwise permitted by a Galaxy Commander or Khan.
  • All OmniMechs are to be equipped with maximum energy weapon configurations, and Elementals will not usually carry their SRM packs. Star Colonels need to approve otherwise. Conservation of ammunition regulations (maximum level) are in effect for the duration of battle on Tukayyid, unless ruled otherwise by the Khans.

Specific regulations pertaining to Tukayyid, as per the orders of Galaxy Commander Mikel Furey, Gamma Galaxy

Galaxy Commander Furey has ordered all Gamma Galaxy OmniMechs to be equipped with maximum energy weapon configurations, with the exception that one (1) LRM or up to two (2) SRM packs will be permitted per Mech. Additionally, Elementals will start out with normal SRM packs. Weapon configuration orders will be released as determined needed by the Galaxy Commander based upon mission orders and supplies available.


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