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The Chain of Command for Gamma Galaxy has been set as
- Galaxy Commander Mikel Furey
- Star Colonel Dwillt Radick (16th Battle Cluster)
- Star Colonel Carmin Winson (7th Battle Cluster)
- Star Colonel Abioseh Winson (11th Battle Cluster)
- Star Captain Lena Fetladral (Aide-de-Camp, Gamma Galaxy)
- Star Captain Dalk Carns (Bronze Keshik)
The Chain of Command for the 16th Battle Cluster
has been set as follows:
1. Star Colonel Dwillt Radick |
2. Nova Captain Bob Ward (Supernova 3rd)
2. Nova Captain Adrian (Supernova 2nd) |
Whomever is better positioned will take command. In case of question,
Nova Captain Bob has seniority. |
4. Star Captain Cinnic Leroux |
5. Nova Commander Marialle Radick |
If Nova Commander Marialle is in command, her top and only priority is
to remove the remnants of the Cluster from battle, as per Khan Kerensky’s
orders. |
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