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The Chain of Command for Gamma Galaxy has been set as follows:

  1. Galaxy Commander Mikel Furey
  2. Star Colonel Dwillt Radick (16th Battle Cluster)
  3. Star Colonel Carmin Winson (7th Battle Cluster)
  4. Star Colonel Abioseh Winson (11th Battle Cluster)
  5. Star Captain Lena Fetladral (Aide-de-Camp, Gamma Galaxy)
  6. Star Captain Dalk Carns (Bronze Keshik)

The Chain of Command for the 16th Battle Cluster has been set as follows:

1. Star Colonel Dwillt Radick  
2. Nova Captain Bob Ward (Supernova 3rd)

2. Nova Captain Adrian (Supernova 2nd)

Whomever is better positioned will take command. In case of question, Nova Captain Bob has seniority.
4. Star Captain Cinnic Leroux  
5. Nova Commander Marialle Radick If Nova Commander Marialle is in command, her top and only priority is to remove the remnants of the Cluster from battle, as per Khan Kerensky’s orders.

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